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En Volvo 140 har fått plass i en nybygd paviliong inntil VW Sør-Afrikas variant av Autostadt. Hvorfor? Rett og slett fordi VW-fabrikken for mange år siden bygde Volvo 142 for det Sør-Afrikandske marked. Hensikten var å utnytte produksjonskapasiteten ved monteringsfabrikken utenfor byen Port Elisabeth.


VW-har et Autostadt-lignende anlegg med navn AutoPavillion rett inntil monteringsfabrikken 35km innenfor Port Elisabeth og der har man akkurat oppgradert museet. Museumssjef Johan Wagner er blitt en mailvenn av meg etter at jeg fikk anledning til å besøke museet i påsken ifjor, og han har nå sendt ut denne pressemeldingen. Er noen her på forumet på de kanter, anbefales de å ta en tur innom. Wagner vil forgylle dere!


Her er pressemeldingen:


Upgrade of VWSA AutoPavilion complete with new “AP’s Diner” exhibit


What are a Studebaker and a Volvo doing in the Volkswagen AutoPavilion's new 'roadhouse'? A little known fact is that Volkswagen of SA started out in 1948 as SAMAD (SA Motor Assemblers and Distributors) assembling Studebakers from America. Other cars, like Austins from the United Kingdom, were also assembled here in Uitenhage whenever Volkswagen of SA had spare capacity. Even later, when the company name had already changed to Volkswagen of SA, it manufactured other cars under contract, such as Volvo and Jeep.


This newly opened 'roadhouse', dubbed ‘AP’s Diner’ is the last in a long list of new exhibits which formed part of the AutoPavilion’s 2007/8 upgrade. The centre had already run out of space but still wanted to show more vehicles under roof, so manager Johan Wagner came up with the idea of a non-functioning roadhouse/diner to show more cars under cover. He explained: “Complete with an old fuel pump and neon signs from the fifties as well as steamed up greasy spoon diner windows, the authentication is superb and forms a wonderful back-drop for these old cars.”


The AutoPavilion is unique in South Africa as a world standard heritage and edutainment centre. A popular tourist attraction, the AutoPavilion has been receiving around 2 000 visitors a month since opening in March 2004.


The AutoPavilion is situated at the Volkswagen of SA factory’s main entrance in Algoa Road, Uitenhage, some 35 km from Port Elizabeth, just off the Graaff Reinet highway.

Opening times are: Weekdays - 08h30 to 16h00; and the first Saturday of each month from 10h00 to 13h00 only. Closed all other weekends and public holidays.


Entrance: R5.00 for adults and R2.00 for children under 16 and pensioners. Volkswagen of SA employees enter for free on producing their VW ID cards.


Free guided factory tours lasting two hours start every weekday morning at 09h00 but must be booked well in advance and can only accommodate 40 people - no children under 12 are allowed in the factory. This tour also ends in the AutoPavilion at no charge where children (and cameras) are welcome. Visitors usually spend between 30 and 45 minutes in the AutoPavilion. There are also vending machines and the building is wheelchair compliant.


Contact the AutoPavilion for bookings or further information on 041 994 5941/3. E-mail Web-site:

AutoPavilion mindre.jpg

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pokker. da kan man ikke rakke ned på volvo 142 da... iallefall ikke de fra nerri der :P haha

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I Malaysia ble Bobler og Mercedeser montert side om side på 70-tallet, så at VW monterte Volvoer i SA overrasker meg ikke.

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