Problem med girspake tiptronic

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Når girspaken min står i D er den hel løs, den detter over i tiptronic og omvent. Er det en fjør som holder den på plass, kostbar reperasjon?


Nesten make den på bildet.



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Jeg har samme problem på min. Etter mye etterforskning fant jeg repsett til denne. Skal se om jeg finner delenr. Hvilken bil har du?


Det er lenge siden jeg fikk dette, men har ikke fått reparert enda. Jeg fant en guide på nett om hvordan man skal fikse dette. Det er visst lett å bryte av noe nedi der.

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Det er en audi a4 1,8t 99mod. Håper det ikke er for kostbart og fikse.

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Tror repsettet kostet under 100 kroner. Skal undersøke litt senere.

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Her er hva jeg fant ut den gangen, men finner ikke sida på nytt. Lå noen bilder der som hadde vært nyttig.: bråk :


Part numbers:

The part number for this repair kit is 4B0798135 as other have listed. If you look this up on the website, they will show this part number, plus about four or five more that are the same except for adding a letter to the end (B through F). I was able to confirm from the local dealership that this letter is based on the year and VIN of your car. The 1998 and 1999 cars use the part WITHOUT a letter at the end. Probably the dealer can help you determine which one your car needs.


Cost: had prices that were maybe a few bucks less than the dealership, but considering I’d save shipping and handling, plus get it faster from VW, I went that way. Cost was $16.74 + tax.


The repair:

Remove the shifter handle and the console over the shifter [note: if you haven’t done this before, search for posts explaining how to do it]. The shifter assembly has several layers of parts which snap in place with tabs at each corner. The chrome shifter plate is the first of these snap-in parts. As always with this type of repair, note how the various parts were assembled so it will be easier when you put it back together.

The flat spring that you will need to replace is located inside the shifter box, towards the back right corner, near the top. This spring is normally “L” shaped with the vertical portion mounted in the side of the shifter box. The other part of the “L” would point toward the driver. It is probably broken off just about flush with the housing it mounts into. The remaining portion of this piece is held in place by a small tab (towards the bottom of it) which you will have to press inwards while pulling or pushing the piece up to remove it ... this is the tricky part. You can see the tab from inside the shift box by using a small mirror and you can also see the tab from outside the shift box through a small window molded into the side of the box. For some reason, I had luck with pushing on the tab through this window, even though the tab really has to go the other way to release. You will need to get fairly clever finding something to fit in there to do this. Rusty’s comments ... “Just a little mental preparation - the broken "L" spring is a B-I-T-C-H to get out, but a breeze to pop the new one in.

You have to find a way to depress the locking tab and pull the old piece of spring out. With the top part of the "L" broken off, it is very difficult to find something to pull on, and there's not much room (if any) to push up from the bottom. But work with it awhile and you'll be glad you saved $850. Be gentle working on this - there's a good bit of brittle plastic throughout and you don't want to break any of it.” ... this was very true in my case.


Thank you, everyone who gave input / suggestions on this repair ...

And I hope this helps others.


Also, I may have pictures in a couple months of the insides of this area of the shifter if anyone wants. Maybe I could e-mail them.

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Tusen takk!


Skal se å få fiksa problemet. Ganske irriterende, har også rattgiring til tiptronic'en. Kjekt og få bruke den sjikkelig uten og kile girstanga på plass:p

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