Du gjør det helt feil. Bil utgave. Edition 2

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Her er jeg litt usikker på om det er feil, han ratter jo som en gud og skal ha kreds for alle lyktestolpene han unngår : eek :

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nice save ;) fikk sikkert noen skraper på venstre speil ;)

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Fikk sikkert noen "skraper" i setet også...

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Fin dame, men for en stygg engangsgrill!

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Edit: Derja! Mellom beina ja! :)

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Ser du ikke alltid mellom bena først da? :P

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Har ikke vært borti så mye shemales, så har ikke lagt til meg den vanen nei :P

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Tenk å stille opp mot en eldgammel damptraktor med den pullingtraktoren også blir han jaggu meg dratt så det holder

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Ikke si det til Mr. Lønning, da:p

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Ikke mye til proff pulling-traktor da, det er jo bare èn V8er på den...

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Det var da måte på risikofyllt forbikjøring!! Viste han ikke at det kom en sving? :confused:


Uansett kjip

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Mye sjuk kjøring nedover på kontinentet... Skjebnens ironi at han krasjer med en politibil da!

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Her er vel det aller meste feil?


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Her er vel det aller meste feil?



Hva i h.. litt av noe drifting, er nesten sikker på at jeg skal få rumpa på B5 grevlingen til og slippe bedre enn det der! :)

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Det nærmeste man kom drifting der, måtte være motoren som oppnådde driftstemperatur - og vel så det.


Det var dagens tørre ifra denne kanten:p

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Jeg vet jo ikke hva som stemmer, men dette blir for dumt før de vet hva som faktisk skjedde og i det hele tatt vet utfallet av ulykken..

Ikke særlig smart av sjåføren, for all del, men litt medfølelse må det gå ann å vise for hans famile, venner og bekjente som kanskje leser dette. (ref. denne VWVortex-tråden)

Bruker 1:

im sorry i feel no remorse for idiots who try and show off


i do hope he didnt hurt anyone or himself in any serious way but again he is the problem with "tuner" people trying to show off in front of people and thus giving EVERYONE who has a modified car a bad reputation

Bruker 2:

Sadly I agree. I knew it was going to be a bad year for this show when I saw how many non-vw/Audi cars were here.

Div. andre kommentarer:

He was watching toyko drift before he went to cruise the strip
Well at least it wasn't a VW.

Div. "morsomme" bilder:










Eier og sjåfør av Supra'n: (fra http://www.supraforums.com)

Hey guys. Sad to say I'm the guy who wrecked the car...I'm ok minor injuries, 6 staples on back of head from my cage which paramedics said saved my life and 6 staples in my leg where the shifter plastic piece cracked on my leg...


So to clarify things!!! I was not messing around on the road..so many stories out there. There's no way I could hit illegal speeds in one block..I was getting some drinks and did a u-turn 1-2 and when I hit third gear it was high 4500 rpms around 12 psi maybe. Not flooring it and I hydroplaned/trying to correct I gassed it a little more and the rear kicked out I'm not sure what happened next all I know is I hit a pole on the driver side and I guess I swung around the pole and hit the stairs at the condo ...


I know what I have and how to handle it. Some things just happen! It's funny I never take my car out in rain but I was tired of staying in the room with no beer ... Sorry for letting y'all down! thank all of you for supporting me and not judging me for things that are not known facts


I'm not sure yet how the car looks until insurance adjuster looks. Maybe sell my motor ha cuz that's the only thing that seems ok.

the car wasnt THAT bad when I hit bit the FD cut everything with these crazy huge pliers ...first my pillars then my targa ha I was trying to tell the guys my tool was in my center console and they ripped it off :-(


But!!!! They were on the spot in 40 seconds!! Love them to death

yea well many say i was racing or getting on it, if you guys actually put some thought into it


- making a u- turn at a light- wrecked right before the next light

- how many of yall can hit over 100mph in one block when the roads are filled with rain when your car pushes over 500 hp--not me-


-in dry weather i dont get traction till 3rd, and as far as the 12 psi- i really dont know where i was at i just figured thats the only way my car would have kicked it- i dont spool till about 4500 so yea im driving down the road not looking at my gauges


the guy who asked that just signed up so he could post this shit on that gay as vdub forum! w/e - thank god no one was hurt besides me, Im dealing with the precautions of fines and the lost of my car

I love seeing the only negative comments are from people who just signed up and only have 1-3 post hmmmmmmmm


ok so lets think about this, if it was dry sure i could hit over 50 in one block- it was wet, just finished raining- when it spun out things tend to go fast- HOW IN THE WORLD i did so much damage i still am thinking about it- i know the " wut ifs " so you can stop talking about it and go back to your own forum, i comment on hear because i know the guys know this car and i respect them with any comments they have to say-


time to end this crap-I wanted to tell my stories to the fellow MEMBERS and thats it-

R.I.P. Supra



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Alle husker vi kvinnen som brukte høytrykkspyleren på dørsidene sine? Her kommer film av mannen hennes som vasker mercedesen sin : smil :



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Hva er det folk egentlig tenker med ??

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